Unified Development Ordinance, 33rd Supplement, August 2024
Article 6.8. Temporary Uses CHAPTER 6. USE REGULATIONS
no advertising or reference to the use may be displayed on the vehicle in any manner. 6. No more than five (5) customers are permitted on the premises at any one
a. The non-residential floor area is limited to the first floor and may occupy no more than 50% of the structure; and b. The entire structure may be no larger than 3,000 sf (both residential and non-residential). 11. When a live-work is located in an Apartment principal structure, the floor area of the live-work shall not exceed 1,000 square feet or 40% of the gross floor area of the associated dwelling unit, whichever is smaller. 12. When a live-work is located in an accessory structure that does not contain an ADU, the live-work may occupy up to 100% of the floor area of the accessory structure so long as the live-work meets the standards listed in 15. Except where the areas listed are within 10 feet of a public right-of-way, loading areas, service areas, and utility service areas associated with a live-work and which face an adjoining residential district that is vacant or developed with a residential use shall be screened in one of the following ways: a. By evergreen plantings the requirements of items 4. And 5. of Sec. 7.2.5.B. b. By a wall or fence at least six feet in height and compatible with the principal building in terms of texture, quality, material and color. 16. Mechanical equipment associated with a live-work shall be subject to Sec. 7.2.5.D. 17. Lighting associated with a live-work shall be regulated according to Article 7.4. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 7.4., lighting associated with a live-work shall be full cutoff. 18. Outdoor display areas shall be prohibited. 19. Live-Work uses must comply with all applicable City ordinances and regulations regarding the emission of noise. A live-work permit shall be revoked if a violation of a City noise ordinance is issued in association with the Live-Work use. If revoked, a new live-work permit cannot be issued for the premise for a period of 365 days. Sec. 6.7.1. relative to the principal residential use. 1 13. Hours of operation shall be limited to 7 AM to 7 PM. 14. Outdoor seating associated with a live-work is prohibited.
time. No vehicular or bicycle parking is required. 7. Allowed uses shall be limited to the following: a. Office b. Dance, martial arts, music studio or classroom c. Sports academy
d. Personal Service (with the exception of Animal Care (outdoor); Dry-cleaning; Funeral home, funeral parlor, mortuary, undertaking establishment, crematorium, pet crematorium; and Wedding chapel) e. Clothing, textile, and apparel manufacturing f. Production of artwork and toys g. Graphic design h. Assembly, design, repair or testing of clocks, computers, jewelry, musical instruments, and photographic or optical instruments. i. Sale of items such as, but not limited to, antiques, jewelry and clothing only when in conjunction with production or repair of said items in the live-work. 8. A live-work shall be located within or attached to a Detached, Attached, or Apartment principal structure with a residential principal use; or within an accessory structure or Accessory Dwelling Unit associated with a residential principal use. The live-work shall be located in fully-enclosed, conditioned space that is affixed to a permanent foundation. Exterior facades of an attached live-work shall be compatible with the principal building in terms of texture, quality, material and color. 9. No more than one live-work shall be established on a lot. A live-work shall not be permitted on a lot where a Home Occupation is permitted. 10. When a live-work use is located within a Detached or Attached principal structure with a residential principal use or an Accessory Dwelling Unit associated with a residential principal use, the following provisions shall apply:
6 – 47 Published August 2024
Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina
Supp. No. 33
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