Unified Development Ordinance, 33rd Supplement, August 2024
CHAPTER 6. USE REGULATIONS | Article 6.8. Temporary Uses
20. Notice shall be provided in accordance with Sec. 10.2.1.C.1. Letters shall be mailed upon verification that the application is complete. 1 A live-work occupying more than 50% of the floor area of an accessory structure or located in an accessory structure not containing an ADU may be subject to additional commercial building code requirements that may not apply to live-work uses described in item 10 above. F. Amateur Radio Antennae in Residential Districts Amateur radio antennae are permitted in residential districts, provided the following standards are met. 1. A plot plan is required for any amateur radio antenna. 2. Except in the -AOD, the maximum height shall be 90 feet. In the -AOD, the maximum height shall be 40 feet. 3. An engineering study must be submitted with the plot plan. The study must contain information about the support structure, footings and guy wires. 4. An electrical permit is required. 5. The amateur radio antennae must meet all required setbacks for a principal structure within the zoning district. 6. The amateur radio antennae shall not be located any closer to the primary or side street than the wall plane of the principal structure closest to the street. 7. For amateur radio antenna mounted to the ground, the overall tower height shall be measured from the base of the tower where it meets the ground. 8. For amateur radio antenna mounted to a principal structure, the overall tower height shall be measured utilizing the average grade for the principal structure in accordance with Sec. 1.5.7 . In no instance may an amateur radio antennae be attached to a tree. 9. If an amateur radio antennae has been abandoned by the property owner and is no longer used for communication, the tower shall be removed. The removal shall occur within 60 days of discontinuance of use. G. Recreational Use Related to a Residential Development 1. Recreational use is limited to the following facilities: clubhouse, docks, exercise rooms, game and craft rooms, gymnasiums, party and reception rooms, bicycle paths, pedestrian and equestrian trails, picnic areas, play
courts, such as basketball, racquetball, and tennis courts, golf courses, driving ranges, play fields, playgrounds, sauna baths, swimming pools and tanning facilities. 2. These uses are allowed only as part of a residential development or subdivision, a compact development, a conservation development, a manufactured home development, or a congregate care facility. Such uses may be located outside of the boundaries of the development, provided that: a. The lot is owned by the development (through its homeowners association or other similar mechanism); and b. The lot adjoins the subdivision for at least 50% of its perimeter; or c. The lot is located across a street or other right-of-way for at least 50% of its perimeter. 3. Nonresident memberships or fees paid by the general public shall not be permitted. This prohibition shall not be construed to disallow membership fees for residents of the development and their guests made on an installment basis of not less than monthly, rather than on any pay for-use, hourly, daily or weekly basis. Membership fees are allowed for any recreational use related if it also complies with all regulations of a recreational use restricted to membership, either commercial or not for profit. 4. The recreation facilities shall be owned by either a not for profit organization, a homeowners association, or multi-unit development owner. 5. No signage, storage, merchandise, or display including display windows shall be visible from outside of the recreational use. 6. Bicycle parking for the recreational uses shall be provided in accordance with Section 7.1 Parking. H. Religious Shelter Unit Temporary housing associated with a place of worship that is for counseling, education and referral services for temporary residents. A zoning permit is required for any religious shelter unit. 1. The facility is an accessory use to a place of worship and occupies a floor area of no more than 10% of the gross floor area in any 1 complex. 2. It houses no more than 12 residents at any one time provided that a
Supp. No. 33
6 – 48 Published August 2024
Part 10: Unified Development Ordinance City of Raleigh, North Carolina
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